Friday, June 5, 2009

Taking A Break

Hello Sweet and Precious Peoples,

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be taking a break from blogging, I don't know yet for how long, it may be a few days a week or two either way I will miss you all very much. Take care of yourselves and I will see you all when I get back.

Golly, I'm missing you all already, big hugs :)


Unknown said...

Hello Mel Enjoy your time off so needed in the world we live in. Look forward to hearing from you again after your sabbatical. Be blessed by the refreshing only the Lord can bring.Much Love to you, Meg

Julie said...

I will miss you bunches!!! Love Julie

Tara said...

Enjoy your time away from the MACHINE! I hope you have a relaxing, wonderful break. God Bless Melly!

Deanna said...

I will miss terribly dearest but you take all the time you need. We will be here awaiting your return.

Lovins and huggins,
Deanna :D

tracy said...

I know we only meet last Pink Sat. I so enjoy your posts and comments.I pray all is well and look forward to getting to know you better when you return.May God bless you and yours.

The Tattered Cottage said...

You and your wonderful posts will be missed, but I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing time off.

Anonymous said...

Come back soon! I'll miss your sweet spirit! ♥

Decorating With Art said...

It is with my great love of art that I like to reach out to people.Thank you for those kind words.
Enjoy your time off and do something just for you.

Anonymous said...

Love you, and I understand wanting/needing a break.

Big hugs!!!

HiHo said...

running behind as usual, love the bath tub post. get some rest, get caught up, get so you have a good pace, everyone will still be blogging....chin up! Heidi

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Sweet Melly........ WILL be missed. You are a sweetheart. I hope all is well and you'll be back when you're rested and restored.

Hugs and huge blessings,

Cottage Contessa said...

Hi Melly! Enjoy your break sweetie. Looking forward to seeing you all refreshed soon! Have a wonderful Friday!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Anonymous said...

Aaawww. Do savor your break and have fun k? :-)


Amy @ Keep'n The SunnySide said...

Enjoy your break and regroup.. we all need to do that sometimes.

Deanna said...

Okay, you haven't even been gone that long and I'm already missing you bunches! Hope you are doing well sweet Melly.

Deanna :D

candy said...

Just found your it :)

the wild raspberry said...

Missing you Melly! Hope you are having a peaceful and lovely break.

Charlotte said...

These little angels are so cute. It's 110 degrees here today. Our summer is just getting going good. It's hard to think about it being winter where you are.
Enjoy your break and come back refreshed and ready to jump back into the land of blog.

Lisa said...

Hi, what a beautiful blog you have.God bless you and I look forward to coming back to visit when you are back in blogland...God bless...Lisa

Charlotte said...

Hi Melly,
Just wanted you to know we miss you on Spiritual Sundays. Hope you are doing well.

Shirl said...

Hi, Happy Pink Saturday. Love all your sweet pink today. So many cute things for a car! Have a nice weekend!
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage