Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bathtub Bliss

Hi Sweet Peoples,

I hope your week has got off to a wonderful start. Here in my part of the world Autumn has finished and Winter has begun, and I'm loving it!

Today I'm sharing with you some wonderful bathrooms that I'm off in lala land about..hehe..I don't have a bath tub and I miss relaxing in a warm bubble bath with yummy scented candles burning and music playing quietly in the background, oh how I miss soaking in pure bliss.
Anyway, since I don't have a bath tub I thought I would torture myself and drool over these dreamy bathrooms...I know I need help :P

Have a super sweet week!!



Rosy Inspiration said...

You weren't off to lala land without a good reason. Those pictures take my breath away, they are ALL nice, how are we supposed to decide? I also saw metal chairs like the one in the third photo, I didn't get them, they were only $18 each, I'm kicking myself now, of course they were gone when I went back.

Eclectic Chic Style said...

I love cozy bathrooms and bathtubs, mine is my retreat to wash away the stress of the day. Lovely photos
♥ Teresa

Anonymous said...

Oooh la la! Well, it gives me something to dream about anyway! ☺ I've never had a very nice or large bathroom. Maybe it has something to do with having a house full of men?

Your blog is so pretty, Melly! enjoy your cooler weather! ♥

the wild raspberry said...

pitchers and baskets and chandies...oh my!
great photos....some of those are in my dream bathroom portfolio as well.
have a wonderful day.

tracy said...

I am drooling right along with you.I'd never leave my bath room if I had one of these soakers. Dreamy pictures...all of them.

Tara said...

I do have a tub, but it's short and not comfortable to soak in. I only use it a couple of times a year. It's showers for me! These bathrooms are beautiful. I would be happy to have any of them, but there is something a little special about the last one. I am sort of in to that vintage feel of things right now. A girl always has to be able to dream right? Have a loveleigh day Melly!

Shauna said...

L♥ve the pictures :) Come on over and check out my new book giveaway blog :)

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Sweet Melly!

Popping across the sea to say hello!

Oh my gosh.....can you believe those bathrooms????? They are wonderful, aren't they? I tried to pick my favorite, but just can't. I wish they were allllll mine.....well, that is until cleaning day.

I hope you're having a great week.


Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous bath tubs you've found. Very much like the chandeliers and that tub curtain with some ruffles at the bottom. I think I especially love the one with the wood cabinet. Now I'm ready for a bubble bath :-)


Anonymous said...

I miss you, my friend!

These tubs are BEAUTIFUL!

Now, I wanna take one!

Anonymous said...

A bath, that is!