When I'm out watering the garden or see a rose bush I'm drawn to it, I just want to breath in that enticing perfume. I can get lost in its intoxicating fragrance, I take in its scent until it has no scent left. lol....I know, but what can I say, I love beautiful perfumes and know I'm not the only one. In the past I followed a man around the store, because of his cologne, it was just so beautiful. I often spend time at the perfume counters breathing in all the absolutely yummy fragrances and if someone smells nice I tell them. Fragrance can either draw you in and make you want more or it can repel you where you can't get away from it quick enough and then there's no perfume at all so you just walk on by and never notice it. Have you ever gone to smell a beautiful bunch of roses and there's no perfume? I don't know about you, but I feel so disappointed and ripped off when I smell a rose without any perfume.
I was talking to my mum about it and said, oh wow! that would make a great sermon. lol...I know that it has been preached from many a pulpit, but I'm starting to get to know God, even though I have know of Him pretty much all my life and then gave Him my heart 6 or so years ago, I was not quite ready to open the gift of Him. God has been doing so many beautiful things and healing so much in my life, I'm getting to really know the Father Heart of God, He is not who I thought He was. My perception of God was very distorted, so when He gives me things like the scent of a rose, I start to see how it can be used in my relationship with Him, I see it as unwrapping another gift instead of leaving on the shelf in case it wasn't really meant for me.
I have begun to unwrapped the rose and I desire to have a fragrance that lingers and draws people to come to Christ a fragrance that you can smell even before you see who or what emits that perfume. I want to live a life where His loves flows through me so that I will leave a sweet smelling fragrance on the world.

For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which exhales] unto God, [discernible alike] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing:
2 Corinthians 2:15

Father how absolutely beautiful you are, I am amazed at how you love me and teach me, nothing is wasted with You Lord. My Sweet Saviour I pray that I may have a spirit that is thirsty for what You want me to drink in. Lord help me to soak in Your fragrance as I spend time in Your presence, I want to emit Your exquisite fragrance so that others will be drawn to knowing You and Your everlasting love, Lord to not only be a sweet smelling aroma for You but to You. Father there's so much beauty on this earth and it's all by Your words that it exists, how awesome You are, I don't ever want to take all You have done for granted. Oh Lord God, I thank You for the beauty of the rose and its gorgeous perfume. Father remind me that each time I stop and smell the roses that there is no other fragrance that compares to the fragrance of Your love.
In Your Precious Name

1 comment:
A beautiful post-isn't it just the coolest how God meets us where we are and uses soo many ordinary things to teach us his extraordinary love?
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