I do hope that you have all had a wonderful week and a fabulous weekend?!
This Spiritual Sunday I'm sharing a quote that I came across via the web that touched my heart, I struggle with receiving God's love for me and I'm choosing to believe that finding these precious nuggets are no mistake but lead by Him. I hope and pray if you also struggle as I do, that this will sink deep into to your heart and that you would receive His unconditional love that He has just for you.
~Isaiah 49:16~

God keeps His promise a thousand times, but the trial makes us doubt Him. He never fails.
He is never a dry well. Yet, we are as continually vexed with anxieties, molested with suspicions, and disturbed with fears as if our God were the mirage of the desert…you are written on the palms of His hands. It does not say, “your name.” The name is there, but that is not all:
I have inscribed you.” Absorb the fullness of this! Everything about you and all that
concerns you have I put there. Will you ever say again that your God has forsaken you,
since He has inscribed you on His own palms?
~C.H. Spurgeon~
Please take the time to visit all the other wonderful people at Spiritual Sundays, but first grab a cuppa, get comfy and open your heart to be blessed.