Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Beautiful Song

Hi Ladies!!

I hope your having a wonderful week so far :) I just came from visiting my sweet friend Julie at Shabbywears and she had posted the below video of her daughters new song that she had just written. This song is sooooo beautiful it blessed me and I know it will bless you.

Please stop by Julie's blog at Shabbywears and leave her a comment as she is like you and I, we LOVE receiving comments! Julie would also appreciate your prayers for her daughter. I believe God has some big things instore for this gifted young lady who is singing for His glory.

God bless you all



{oc cottage} said...

Wow, maybe she is the nest Jennifer Knapp!

M ^..^

Sandy said...

It is so nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by for a visit and for your sweet well wishes.

How blessed I am to visit here today and see a beautiful young lady sharing her awesome singing and writing skills to glorify God! Please tell her her offering is amazing and I wish her much success in the future with her music.